Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...


All provided... Always... Nothing's missing, nobody's needed!... All goodness... Sharing happens by itself, nothing we can do... As it is now, just happening... Are we doing it?... Who's aware of that?... We know the answer, we Are it! We all are 'little Buddhas'!... Bees too!!!

This is the Truth!

Satsang  What are we?  Silent Answer  No Mind  Stay Quiet  Thinking  Truth  Nameless  No need
Suffering  If...  The end of suffering  The Search  Stand  Mirror  Attention  Awareness  The Gap
Desiring  Void  Silence  Concept  Freedom  Awakening  Struggle  Point of view  Ayam  Who am I?
Stupefaction  Ko Ham  True Self  Giving up  Experiment  Investment  Expectation  Accomplishment
Tasteless  Void  What's real?  Sattva  Pune interview  Spanish interview  Instant Karma  Only Being


If there is a single doubt left, inquire Now!... When no doubt remains... Nothing but 'Nowness'...


Endless Love and Blessings...



satsang charles coutarel