... Silence...
Silence is Timeless and Boundless. It doesn't change. And the awareness of it is not separate from it. It is the same. Silence is Awareness, Awareness is Silence and both are Presence. This never changes. This is our True Nature.
In this, phenomena appear and disappear and give the sense of time which is the illusion of succession, of fragmentation. Objects of senses come and go. They are just sensation passing by, but "That" in which they appear; Silence, Emptiness, Roominess, Awareness, Presence... "This" is not changing, it is always the same, and is always fine with everything. It is not touched, as Silence is not touched by sounds. Check it out!
As far as you experiment suffering or that you are concerned with the passing by events appearing in life, your only job is to investigate the reality of it, the truth of it. It's your Freedom... and to investigate, to inquire is to be caring, to be loving...
Self investigation reveals Peace, Silence, Presence, Love.
What are you really looking for?...