The Art of Living...
Surrender all principle and all statement.It's not about statement or accomplishment, but being.
Here where everything manifests and resolves Itself.
If we don't bow to Grace,
How to expect to feel touched?
Grace, is to revert to grace.
A Buddha simply is.
Not a single pretend.
Not a man nor a woman.
Not awakened or not.
Only Buddha is.
The world is not.
Buddha's dream.
Pure Beauty.
We suffer only our own "character"...
and we enjoy as well !...
"The hand lifts... the movement breaks off..."
It's here - now - this timeless moment.
... And all this infinity of silence,
of an unexpressible richness...
"The Art of living in a world which exists not"
Drinking a coffee. Smoking a cigarette...
Feeling the wind's caress...
Playing on some accent...
Pure Delight.
Life doesn't die
Notes - Sattoji