Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...

That's all...

Mind is time and time is mind.
It's like a vaccum cleaner sucking your attention in a dirty bag full of dusty thoughts.
Nothing else... Switch off, right now! No dust.
No time, no mind.


There is no-thing at all.

Yet this no-thing-ness is Absolute Aliveness.

And this absolute aliveness is all and whole.

That's all.


Close your eyes...
and see what's left of the vision, of the seeing...
And yet everything is still included in that awareness.
Open your eyes...
Here goes the movie!


How long does it takes to come back now?

No time. Right now.


... and do not spend a day without seeing the joke
... and have a good laugh! ...
or not!...


Sorrow is personal, only...

Joy is not personal.

So is Bliss.


Notes - Sattoji om-gif 

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