Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...

"How to get well?"...

Well, wellness is our nature, nothing to do about it. Everything else is mere entertainment, role playing!

Let's look right now, not the passing by feelings or concerns, but simply and gently bringing our attention on that within ourselves which is the pure awareness of it all...

How is that? Isn't it fine? Isn't it okay? In rest? By itself?...

If we can't taste and recognize the value of that, this wellness of being now, it's gonna be a job!...

Well... Be what you are!

Otherwise, the hidden question is more like "How can I be more successfool, more wealthy!"?... We can't, we are already, including this foolish question and the unsatisfied feeling we create of our self!

Not our self as we are in truth, here there is no dis-satisfaction, here peace dwells, joy arises by itself, but our self as the built up image or self representation we dearly identify and attach to.

Suffering is the price everyone will pay for that!

Simple and easy!...


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