After Care...
After some recognition of their true nature, some people ask: "How am I going to live 'this' now?"... There is no "this, that, it, and I" to "be lived". - Nor to believe - Being, we are. Living is, moment to moment to moment. We are Life itself. Just don't be deluded when the thought, "How am I going to live "this" now?" is passing by. Aren't we living now? It is like asking, "How am I going to breathe now?"... It's all happening by itself, you don't need to think about it. It is.
Just see the habit of the mind to try to figure out, to try to fix life, and the play of identification with thoughts. There is no way to fix life or self realization or to give a ready made answer to anything. Forget all about it, just see the mind playing, watch the movie... simply aware, quiet. Nothing to do. Relax...
Life is dance, a flow, a "constant dropping situation", moment to moment to moment appearing in Awareness, in Aliveness, in Being. This is the answer. No knowing. There is not such a thing as a "How to live it" manual. There is no "spiritual, psychological or behaviourism course". That's exactly why Freedom is Freedom and Liberation itself, it is a "free home delivery".
What can we know but now?... Even this we don't know! What do we know now?...
We are, we are aware, we appreciate it. (no matter how!) This is the Play, this is the joke!
Just enjoy this moment, and if you can't stand it, bring yourself back to Satsang...
Meet your self in Truth... Right now!...
You Are Satsang!