Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...

« The Last Story »...


Satsang is also a story; the simple and very short story of the gathering of truth in one self; right now. Or the big and complicated story of going somewhere to find the final "Teacher" after a long and awful journey at the other end of the world... Which is fun enough to say if we really look at it!

If we believe that the earth is flat, we get a trip to achieve that. But as far as we mainly all happily believe that the earth is round, where are we gonna reach at the other end of the world?... That's the joke and the teacher's job... he or she, always sends us back to ourselves!... Right here, right now!

Isn't it funny?...

And that's the seeker's disease... always going somewhere else, looking for better, for truer, for happier... So we get, at some point, at some exhaustion point, to finally really and seriously ask ourselves the real question;

"What do we really want?"...

Do we want to find what is true where we are, now and here, which is free of all circumstances and location, or do we want to entertain the story of the faraway and unreachable?...

If we are looking for the unreachable, that's fine, we'll never get it, this has to be seen clearly, so we can go on looking for it, no problem, enjoy the trip, that's as free as we are willing to pay for it...

If we really want what's true, meaning what's real now, it's very simple. Just look at that which is aware of any looking within your self now, have a real look just once, right now, and do not overlook!...

What we are looking for is that by which we are aware of all lookings! Right Now !

... And this just needs to be "seen"... To be realized. That's real free! That's true freedom... and the end of this particular story called the search going along with all kind of expensive charge...

Nevertheless, the movie; the "Great Movie" is still running... Apparently...

And that's the Great Enjoyment!



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